Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Reader Submission / Sighting: Monticello Ave, Williamsburg, VA

Dear readers,

The submissions are pouring in.  Together, we are creating a collection, a source base if you will, that bears witness to the challenge that many of us face every day: old person or undercover cop.

Another submission, this time via text, from Walesca.  In her words: "Another undercover cop!  No lights, no tint..."

As you can see here, an old person is driving an outdated cop car, which does not have the usual dark tint on the windows or lights on the side mirrors as many service vehicles.

Thank you, Walesca, for your keen eyesight and careful documentation.  Over and out.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Reader Submission / Sighting: I-20 East, btw Columbia and Florence, SC

Dear readers,

Today is a very special day.  First, it is imperative for us to note that on this day 109 years ago--June 16, 1903--the Ford Motor company was incorporated.  Ford is the proud maker of Crown Victorias, the car that we all love to hate, the car of old people and undercover cops.  Happy birthday, Ford!

Second, and of no less importance, today marks the first submission from a reader of this blog who has carefully recorded his own experiences with the old person/undercover cop conundrum.  Chris' submission is copied in its entirety below.  Thanks to Chris for his keen eyesight and thorough reporting.  Our readers will surely benefit from your insight.

LOCATION: I-20 East, between Columbia and Florence, SC.
Doing about 80 headed toward Florence from Columbia, I noticed a silver Crown Victoria quickly approaching in the rear view mirror. Sure that I was headed for a ticket from the South Carolina Highway Patrol on my first ever trip to the state, I switched lanes and began to slow my speed. Much to my surprise, the Crown Vic stayed in the left lane, maintained its speed, and passed me. Sitting in the front seats were two octogenarians.

VERDICT: Old Person(s).

Until next time, readers. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Interview: Paolo

Dear readers,

Today I will share with you the highlights of my recent interview with Paolo, an expert on undercover cops and old people, and also my neighbor.

According to Paolo, undercover cops may be driving Crown Victorias of any color, usually blue, white, or charcoal.  They can be identified by their short antennae, which are usually 2-3 feet in length, as well as the dark tint of their windows.  There is usually only one person in the car.

Since old people may be driving outdated cop cars, there are usually few differences between their outward appearance and that of undercover cops.  According to Paolo, old people may even have spotlights above their side mirrors just like cops.  Old people are primarily identified by their use of bumper stickers and/or the stuffed animals displayed in their windows.

Thank you, Paolo, for sharing your valuable insights.  Readers, be edified and go forth.