Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Interview: Paolo

Dear readers,

Today I will share with you the highlights of my recent interview with Paolo, an expert on undercover cops and old people, and also my neighbor.

According to Paolo, undercover cops may be driving Crown Victorias of any color, usually blue, white, or charcoal.  They can be identified by their short antennae, which are usually 2-3 feet in length, as well as the dark tint of their windows.  There is usually only one person in the car.

Since old people may be driving outdated cop cars, there are usually few differences between their outward appearance and that of undercover cops.  According to Paolo, old people may even have spotlights above their side mirrors just like cops.  Old people are primarily identified by their use of bumper stickers and/or the stuffed animals displayed in their windows.

Thank you, Paolo, for sharing your valuable insights.  Readers, be edified and go forth. 

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